tugas 2 AIJ
packet tracer configuring ADDRESSING TABLE Part 1: Examine the Network and Evaluate the Need for Static Routing Part 2: Configure Static and Default Routes Part 3: Verify Connectivity Part 1 ; Examine the Network and Evaluate the Need for Static Routing A. Looking at the topology diagram, how many networks are there in total? 5 networks B. How many networks are directly connected to R1, R2, and R3? R1 has 2, R2 has 3, and R3 has 2. C. How many static routes are required by each router to reach networks that are not directly connected? R1 needs 3 static routes, R2 needs 2 static routes, and R3 needs 3 static routes. D. Test connectivity to the R2 and R3 LANs by pinging PC2 and PC3 from PC1. Why were you unsuccessful? Because there are no routes to these networks on R1. Part 2 ; Configure Static and Default Routes Step 1: Configure recursive static routes on R1. A. What is recursive s...